Sunday, November 9, 2008

Arrived in Bangkok

I'm here in Bangkok right now on my first full day and even though I haven't done very much here yet, I thought I'd post just so everyone knows I'm alive and haven't died of Malaria yet.

Today, I did some touristy stuff, nothing too exciting. I saw the Grand Palace, which is a palace that is very grand. I think the King of Thailand used to live there or something. The architecture was pretty phenomenal though and I've included a link for pictures of the Palace below. I also got Thai massage for 1 hour long. It came to $8. Pretty fresh.

Tomorrow night, I'm flying to Ko Samui, which is an island in Southern Thailand. It's supposed to be really beautiful. I think I'm gonna be in those parts for six days or so, and then I'll probably be flying to Chiang Mai, which is a city in Northern Thailand.

Once I do some cool stuff, I'll post again. Hope all is well in the U.S.


Link for photos:



I am so glad to hear of all of your adventures and photos.....keep em coming! Miss you! mom xoxox GATORS RULE......onto the SEC CHAMPIONSIP!!!

Dad said...

Hi Kyle,
I have been trying to post comments to you from home and just realized that my home computer is not giving me the "publish your comment" button. That is why you haven't heard from me yet. Guess I'll have to respond from the office like I am doing this morning. Terrific photos! I like the one where your pose like the characters on the wall. Big budha was really neat too. By now you have been sunning in the south of Thailand and having a great time I am sure. Keep loading the photos for us all to see. I'll pass your blog site on to Grandma and Aunt Gail.
Love you,

Elise Petit said...


I miss you already!! It looks like you are having a great time. I check your blog a few times a day to see if you posted anything yet. I'm glad you are having fun, and that Jake is with you. Keep posting blogs and pics for us! Love you so much!


K-ROB said...

miss you kyky...did you download skype yet? do buy me something pretty! HA