Monday, November 17, 2008

Pics from Koh Samui

As promised.....


Dad said...

Hi Kyle,
Your photos are fantastic. It makes me feel like I am there to see this with you although I know that in reality it must be really fresh compared to the photos. It was great to talk to you live on Saturday too. Thanks much for going the extra effort to call. I guess 21 cents a minute is actually pretty good especially considering the vast distance. It sounded like you were next door, very clear connection. Adam and Elise were over Saturday night and all day Sunday. Adam managed to get me straight on my Mac. He also got my IPOD all set up finally. I close on the house in Kankakee this Friday. Start taking deliveries and moving stuff in on Saturday, 11/222/08. Keep up the great work in Thailand. Love you, Dad

Dad said...

That would be 11/22/08.

Mom said...

These pics are amazing! It reminds me a bit of hawaii! Glad to see that you were waverunning with the ONLY brand worth riding...........Yamaha!it was so great to talk to you ....I miss you so very much. Sorry that you are missing our 30 degree weather here! Love you ,Mom xoxoxox....Gators KILLED by 50 points on Sat!!!!!!